Request a quote from SALT

Request a Quote

A new flavour to conjure up? We are bowled over!

We are always thrilled to be asked to envisage a brand new recipe... it a delightful new logo, a scrumptious corporate identity, an 'eat-some-more' campaign, a choice website or any other tasty new branding journey...

As a start to our branding journey with you, you can either fill out out Quote Request form below, or get in touch with SALT by going to our Contact Page.


Online Quote Form

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"When a designer gives you a bill, what do you see it as? An expense, right? When a designer gives me a bill, I see it as an investment. For me it is something that appreciates and helps your business grow."

Neil Patel  -  co-founder Crazy Egg, Hello Bar and KISSmetrics